Population Count via SMS
Do you know the population size of Macao? The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) invites all residents of Macao to participate in the “Population Count via SMS” to figure out our population size. Each of the 10 lucky winners will win an iPhone....
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2011 Marine Population Census Starts on 1 July

2011 Population Census (2011 Census) will take place from 12 to 26 August. Taking advantage of the fishing moratorium period, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) conducts the marine population census for the next six days starting 1 July in order to collect accurate information on the marine population....
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DSEC visit local associations and unveil 2011 Census
TV advertisements to the media
2011 Population Census (2011 Census) will take place from 12 to 26 August. To ensure smooth operation of the census, officials of the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) visited local associations recently; moreover, DSEC invited representatives of the media to a luncheon on 21 July...
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2011 Census Sees Satisfactory Progress
Lucky Draw to Thank Cooperating Households

The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) conveys its appreciation for the residents’ support to the satisfactory progress of the 2011 Census that enters the eighth day of data collection. Census officers have visited 160,000 building units in the past 7 days...
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Post-Enumeration Survey of the 2011 Census Starts Today
Cooperating Household Lucky Draw to be Held on 14 October
The 15-day data collection of the 2011 Census concluded last Friday. The census officers have visited about 236,000 building units and the rate of completion stood at 95%, including 15,600 units opted to use e-Questionnaire. For the non-contact households of about 9,800 building units who might be travelling out of Macao...
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2011 Census Lucky Draw Results Announced
Data collection for 2011 Census has successfully concluded. As a token of appreciation from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC), upon completion of the Census questionnaire, the households were automatically entered into the Cooperating Households Lucky Draw. The draw was held on 14 October...
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Official Statistics Day to Celebrate Conclusion of 2011 Census
To Address the New Challenges Ahead
October 23 marks the Official Statistics Day of Macao. In celebration of the 2011 Official Statistics Day, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) hosted a dinner on 21 October with members of the Consultative Committee on Statistics (CCE) and staff of DSEC, to show appreciation for their effort and contributions to Official Statistics...
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Preliminary Results of the 2011 Population Census
Results of 2011 Census indicates that population of Macao is 552,500 with 48.0% male and 52.0% female; the annual growth during the last decade reaches 2.4%.
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List of Winners of the “Population Count via SMS”
“Population Count via SMS”, the game organized by the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) in July and August 2011, has been well-received by the public. At the press conference on the release of the Preliminary Results of 2011 Population Census, Director of DSEC draws out ten winners from the correct entries, as follows:
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Results & Geographic Information System (GIS) of the 2011 Population Census released
The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) releases detailed results of the 2011 Population Census, analyzing changes in the demographic characteristics over the past decade;at the same time, Geographic Information System (GIS) of the 2011 Population Census is readily accessible at the DSEC website.
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Recruitment of temporary workers for 2016 Population By-census
Application for temporary worker positions for the 2016 Population By-census is open from 1 to 24 March.
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2016 Population By-census Starts on 7 August
Data collection of the 2016 Population By-census will take place from 7 to 21 August, for a period of 15 days.
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DSEC Director Encouraged Staff to Do their Utmost for the 2016 Population By-census
To mark the commencement of the 15-day data collection of the 2016 Population By-census, a kick-off ceremony was held for field enumerators on 7 August at Escola Keang Peng. The ceremony was hosted by the Director of the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) Ieong Meng Chao, Deputy Director Cheng I Wan and Acting Deputy Director Mak Hang Chan.
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Data Collection for the 2016 Population By-census Concluded
Data collection for the 2016 Population By-census was successfully concluded on 21 August. The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) attributed the success of the operation to the cooperation of the general public and support of the community and various government departments. The overall response rate reached 90.7 %, with 16.9% of the households having completed the e-Questionnaire. For the non-contact households who might be travelling out of Macao, the enumerators have left an appointment card at their home. DSEC will continue to follow up on these cases and encourage the households to call the Population By-census Hotline at 8809 8809 to complete the survey as soon as possible.
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Preliminary Results of 2016 Population By-census
Results of the 2016 Population By-census indicated that the population of Macao totalled 650,900 in August 2016, an increase of 17.8% compared to 552,503 in 2011 Census. Average annual growth rate of Macao population was 3.3% over the past five years, higher than the average growth of 1.9% during 2006 to 2011. Number of households totalled 188,600, up by 10.4% compared to five years ago. Average household size was 3.06 persons per household, a slight decrease from 3.08 persons in 2011.
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Detailed Results of 2016 Population By-Census
Total population of Macao was 650,834 in August 2016, up by 17.8% as compared with 2011. Males and females accounted for 48.2% and 51.8% respectively of the total population. Median age of the total population was 37.5.
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Temporary Jobs Registration for 2021 Population Census
The decennial Population Census of Macao will be conducted in August this year. The Statistics and Census Service will need about 2,600 temporary workers to support data collection and other routine work.
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Over 2,000 Temporary Census Jobs Available
Temporary jobs registration for the 2021 Population Census is underway and the application period is now extended to 6 p.m. on 12 March.
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First Phase of Data Collection for 2021 Population Census Begins on 1 April
The first phase of data collection for 2021 Population Census runs from 1 April to 31 May, during which the marine population and individuals living in collective living quarters will be interviewed.
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DSEC Presents Census Data Collection Arrangements to Tertiary Institutions and Associations
The Statistics and Census Service visited local tertiary institutions and associations to present data collection arrangements of collective living quarters for the 2021 Population Census and appealed for their support to the Census operation.
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DSEC conducts 2021 Population Census seminar among secondary students
Representatives from DSEC visited local secondary schools to run the 2021 Population Census seminar, introducing to students the objective, scope, time and methods of data collection of the Census operation.
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Successful Completion of First Phase of Data Collection for 2021 Population Census
The first phase of data collection for the 2021 Population Census, which covers the marine population and individuals living in collective living quarters, was largely completed on 31 May.
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Population Census to Begin from 7 August Launched on Thematic Webpage
The Statistics and Census Service is going to conduct the decennial Population Census from 7 to 21 August this year, with the aim of collecting the latest demographic and housing information of Macao. DSEC launched a webpage for the 2021 Population Census (https://www.dsec.gov.mo/Censos2021) to provide the public with the latest news and updates about the Census.
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Countdown to Population Census Putting Heads Together and Sparing No Effort to Make Improvements
To ensure a smooth operation of the decennial Population Census, the largest statistical project in Macao, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) has started preparations since 2019, including the design of Census questionnaire and the conduction of a pilot survey.
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Census Training Commenced to Provide Staff with Professional Skills and Knowledge
The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) recruited over 2,000 temporary workers to assist in data collection, and launched a series of training to equip the staff with the required knowledge and skills.
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DSEC Enhanced Interdepartmental Co-operation to Ensure a Smooth Census Operation
To ensure a smooth operation of the 2021 Population Census, which will begin in August, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) strengthened communication and co-operation with various public departments on the planning for different aspects of the operation, such as timely delivery of notification letters to all households in Macao, protection of data, implementation of pandemic prevention measures and the effective discharge of duties by Census officers.
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Population Census to Begin on 7 August Greater Convenience with Online Census Questionnaire
The 2021 Population Census will be conducted from 7 to 21 August, during which the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) will collect data from over 270,000 residential, industrial and commercial units.
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DSEC Appeals to the Public to Use Online Census Questionnaire
In view of the latest development of the pandemic of novel coronavirus pneumonia, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) has adjusted the data collection arrangements for the 2021 Population Census and will fully implement online data collection. DSEC appeals to the public to provide information online or via telephone to reduce face-to-face contacts.
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Population Census to Begin on 7 August DSEC Appeals to Public to Provide Information through Online or Telephone Means
The 16
th Population Census and the 6th Housing Census (hereinafter referred to as the 2021 Population Census) of Macao will begin tomorrow (7 Aug). The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) will collect data from over 270,000 residential, industrial and commercial units in Macao. In view of the latest development of the pandemic of novel coronavirus pneumonia, DSEC has adjusted data collection arrangements for the 2021 Population Census and will fully implement online data collection to reduce the risk of virus transmission. DSEC appeals to the public to fulfil their civic duty and provide information online or via telephone.
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Population Census Officially Launched Active Online Responses on First Day
The 2021 Population Census commenced yesterday (7 Aug). In view of the latest development of the pandemic, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) has immediately adjusted data collection arrangements and suspended door-to-door visits by Census officers. Online data collection is fully implemented, and residents are encouraged to complete the Census through contactless means.
DSEC received overwhelming online questionnaire responses from the public. About 19,000 households have completed the questionnaire through online or telephone means on the first day, which accounted for about 7% of the total number of households, the highest proportion ever recorded for the first day of the Population Census. DSEC states that the online data collection system and the telephone interviewing system have been running smoothly, and appeals to the households to provide information online or via telephone, which facilitates data submission under the current pandemic situation.
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Multi-channel Promotions for Online Census Completion Questionnaire Collection Points Set Up to Facilitate Data Submission
The 15-day data collection for the 2021 Population Census has entered its sixth day today (12 Aug). In line with the pandemic prevention and control measures of the SAR Government, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) has spared no efforts to promote online Census response. Until now, over 57,000 households have completed the online questionnaire, which accounted for 27.5% of the total. Starting tomorrow (13 Aug), DSEC will set up 12 questionnaire collection points to facilitate submission of paper questionnaires
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Enthusiastic Online Census Response DSEC Appeals to Public to Complete Census Before 21 August
The 15-day data collection for the Population Census covering all households in Macao has passed its halfway point. As at 14 August, over 80,000 households in Macao have completed and submitted the Census questionnaire, which accounted for about 38.5% of the total. The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) appeals to the public to respond to the Census at the earliest convenience by completing the online or paper questionnaire or by telephone interview.
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Census Completion Made Easy with Online Questionnaire Great Prizes Await Lucky Respondents
Data collection for the 2021 Population Census will end on 21 August. As at yesterday (15 Aug), about 41.7% of the households in Macao have completed and submitted the Census questionnaire.
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Households Not Receiving Notification Letter Asked to Call Census Hotline Great Prizes Await Lucky Respondents
The 2021 Population Census has entered the final stage of data collection. The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) appeals to the households who have not completed the Census questionnaire to respond to the Census by Saturday (21 Aug), and calls on the households who did not receive the notification letter to contact DSEC.
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Population Census Extended to 28 August Field Visits to Resume on 23 August (Monday)
To ensure the completion of the Population Census, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) extended the data collection period by 7 days to 28 August after consultation with the Health Bureau and with the implementation of pandemic prevention measures. Field visits by Census officers will resume on 23 August (Monday) and 800 Census officers will be arranged to collect data from households who have not responded to the Census.
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Smooth Operation on First Day of Census Field Visits
The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) extended the data collection period for the Population Census to 28 August and resumed today (23 Aug) the six-day field visits by Census officers to households of 98,000 residential units who have not responded to the Census.
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40,000 Units Visited in First Two Days of Census Field Visits Individuals Having a Residence in Macao Shall Respond to Census
Field visits for the 2021 Population Census have resumed since Monday (23 Aug) and 800 Census officers have been arranged to visit households who have not responded to the Census to collect information. Nearly 40,000 residential, industrial and commercial units were visited in the first two days of field visit. Among the households that were contacted, almost 70% completed the Census questionnaire while the remaining households activated their access to the online questionnaire or scheduled a telephone interview.
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Two Lucky Draws for Households who Complete Census
The 2021 Population Census has entered the final stage of data collection. To encourage response and as an appreciation for the participation of households, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) is holding two lucky draws at the end of August and September respectively.
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This Saturday is Last Day to Complete the Census Households Not Yet Replied Urged to Respond ASAP
Data collection for the 2021 Population Census will end this Saturday (28 Aug). The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) appeals to the households who have not yet completed the Census questionnaire to respond as soon as possible.
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Census Concluded on 28 August Achieved Preliminary Response Rate at 83.3%
The data collection for the 2021 Population Census was concluded yesterday (28 Aug). The Census coverage rate reached 99.3% and the preliminary overall response rate was 83.3%, which met the expectations amid the pandemic. The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) extends its appreciation to the public for their support and co-operation, and appeals to the households who did not respond to the Census to provide information as soon as possible.
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Early Census Response for Greater Chance of Winning Lucky Draw Results Announced
Data collection for the 2021 Population Census has been successfully concluded. In appreciation for the support and cooperation from households, households who completed the Census questionnaire between 7 and 21 August will be automatically entered into the Early Census Response for Greater Chance of Winning Lucky Draw. The grand prize draw took place today (31 Aug), and Director Ieong Meng Chao, Deputy Director Cheng I Wan and Deputy Director Mak Hang Chan of the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) drew a total of 15 winning households.
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Cooperating Households Lucky Draw Results of 2021 Population Census Announced
In appreciation of the households’ cooperation and support, households who completed the Census questionnaire between 7 and 28 August will be automatically entered into the Cooperating Households Lucky Draw. The prize draw ceremony was held today (30 Sept), and Director Ieong Meng Chao of the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) drew the winning households.
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Prize Presentation Ceremony Held for Two Census Lucky Draws
To encourage response and as an appreciation for the participation of households in the 2021 Population Census, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) held “Early Census Response for Greater Chance of Winning Lucky Draw” and “Cooperating Households Lucky Draw” in August and September respectively. The prize presentation ceremony took place today (5 Nov), where DSEC Director Ieong Meng Chao, Deputy Director Cheng I Wan and Deputy Director Mak Hang Chan presented the prizes to the winning households.
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Preliminary results of the 2021 Population Census released by the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that the total population of Macao was 682,100 in August 2021, an increase of 23.5% compared to 2011; the average annual growth was 2.1% over the past decade. Total number of households rose by 18.7% from ten years ago to 202,700, and the average household size was 2.98 persons.
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Detailed Results of 2021 Population Census
Total population of Macao was 682,070 in August 2021 and the average annual growth was 2.1% over the past decade. Women continued to outnumber men in Macao, with females and males accounting for 53.0% and 47.0% of the total population respectively. As population ageing accelerated, the median age of the total population went up by 1.4 to 38.4 from ten years ago. Number of households totalled 202,727 and the average household size was 2.98 persons.
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Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2023 to Begin on 26 March; Greater Convenience with Online Questionnaire
The Statistics and Census Service will conduct the Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2023 from March 2023 to March 2024, with the aim of collecting the latest data on income and expenditure of local households.
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Household Income and Expenditure Survey Begins; Respondents Urged to Complete Online Survey or Schedule Face-to-face Interview
The Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2023 commenced today (26 March), and the one-year data collection period will end on 23 March 2024.
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First Quarterly Lucky Draw Results of HIES 2023 Announced
The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) announced the reference numbers of the 10 winning households of the first quarterly Cooperating Households Lucky Draw.
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Second Quarterly Lucky Draw Results of HIES 2023 Announced
The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) announced the reference numbers of the 10 winning households of the second quarterly Cooperating Households Lucky Draw.
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Third Quarterly Lucky Draw Results of HIES 2023 Announced
The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) announced the reference numbers of the 10 winning households of the third quarterly Cooperating Households Lucky Draw.
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Fourth Quarterly Lucky Draw Results of HIES 2023 Announced
The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) announced the reference numbers of the 10 winning households of the fourth quarterly Cooperating Households Lucky Draw.
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Results of household income and expenditure survey 2023/2024
The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) released the results of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES; formerly known as Household Budget Survey) conducted from March 2023 to March 2024.
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